by  Dmytro Ivanov

Using Gen AI to Achieve Engineering Excellence and Deliver Real Business Returns

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Discover how SoftServe’s Gen AI initiative changes the game for clients by bridging the gap between technological potential and business value.

Gen AI Development

The race for Generative AI (Gen AI) is on, but companies still struggle to properly harness the technology. According to a 2024 commissioned global study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of SoftServe, only 22% of companies currently realize significant or moderate Gen AI business value across all functions.

The challenge often lies in the lack of technical know-how and understanding of relevant use cases. That’s why SoftServe has launched an initiative to boost engineer productivity by harnessing Gen AI in the SDLC process. With Gen AI tools, training, and deep analysis of processes, SoftServe engineers — as well as BAs, Architects, QC, TA, and DevOps — offer clients faster time-to-market, wider delivery scopes, and enhanced quality — all while boosting engineer satisfaction.

Read on to learn more about this approach and how SoftServe has already supported clients with top engineering expertise.

The growing need for Gen AI expertise

Most companies still struggle to derive tangible value from their Gen AI initiatives. When asked about their challenges, 88% of respondents to Forrester Consulting's study emphasized the increasing importance of technical expertise. That expertise is particularly critical for data integration, model optimization, use case development, and application advancement.

Most companies look for this expertise from a technology partner. For the companies that have successfully obtained benefits (value reapers) from Gen AI, two aspects are critical: advanced technical capabilities and understanding the nuances of specific markets and use cases.

The Help that Value Reapers and Value Seekers Need from External Partners

Gen AI Partner Help

With a novel technology like Gen AI, finding those skill sets is difficult. But for businesses looking to become value reapers, it will be critical.

The Mission to Drive Gen AI Excellence

With the clock ticking, an initiative to provide technical expertise will significantly impact the success and efficiency of Gen AI implementations. SoftServe empowers its engineers with the advanced tools and training they need to help clients become value reapers.

This initiative builds on previous successful collaborations with clients, where SoftServe’s experts have deployed Gen AI and developed use cases. Not only did clients see demonstrable results, but the engineers also reported high levels of satisfaction with their work. Here are three projects that truly stand out:

Case Study 1: Enhancing Software Development Productivity

For one long-term client, SoftServe’s engineers successfully deployed Gen AI to reduce test automation efforts and boost software development teams without compromising feature delivery.

Tools: GitHub Copilot

Use Cases:

  • Business logic implementation
  • Test data generation
  • Unit tests implementation
  • Integration test implementation
  • Investigation and debugging
  • Refactoring and restructuring business logic
  • Documenting functions and methods
  • Code review (explain, validate, optimize code)
  • Gremlin query explanation and implementation

Results over 1.5 months:

  • 33% reduction in test automation efforts
  • 12% increase in test coverage
  • 28% growth in average velocity
  • 9.3 engineer satisfaction rate
Enhance Results

Case Study 2: Accelerating Digital Forms and Document Management

In a digital forms and document management project, SoftServe integrated Gen AI to enhance integration test implementation and application quality.

Tools: GitHub Copilot

Identified use cases:

  • Business logic implementation
  • Markup and styling implementation
  • Code investigation and debugging
  • Code refactoring and restructuring
  • Unit and integration tests implementation and modification
  • API and codebase documentation
  • SQL and non-SQL query implementation and modification
  • Code review
  • Diagramming
  • Environment configuration

Results over two months:

  • 12% increase in test coverage
  • 18% average velocity growth
  • 18% increase in closed defects
  • 8.3 engineer satisfaction rate
Accelerate Results

Case Study 3: Improving Testing Efficiency Management

During a client project, a single test engineer aimed to streamline workflows and reduce task completion times using Gen AI.

Tools: GitHub Copilot, Neo AI-powered chatbot

Identified use cases:

  • Test automation implementation
  • Test automation framework (TAF) development and maintenance
  • Code review
  • Code documentation

Results over 2.5 months:

  • 20% reduction in total completion time
  • Test time reduced from eight to four hours per environment
  • Increased capacity of development and QA teams to focus on complex and critical tasks
Improve Results

Building Gen AI skills for robust client results

The successful integration of Gen AI transforms business functions, improving efficiency, enhancing decision-making, and driving innovation. Two aspects are critical:

Technical capabilities

Technical capabilities:
Integrating Gen AI into existing systems requires advanced technical skills.

Use case development

Use case development:
Identifying and developing relevant use cases is crucial for deriving value.

By equipping its engineers with advanced Gen AI tools and training, SoftServe enables clients to derive maximum value from their AI initiatives. That’s what drives our commitment to excellence and innovation at the forefront of the Gen AI revolution.

This initiative is more than just a training program; it’s a comprehensive approach designed to equip engineers with the Gen AI skills and tools to help clients succeed. It's about enabling a faster time-to-market, wider delivery scopes, and enhanced quality — and greater engineer satisfaction.